Promo Box is a custom component built as an alternative to Cards, so it can be used where you need card-like components to hold some basic content or other features, styled differnetly for different kinds of contents without touching the styling of the cards.
Promo Box with left aligned content, center aligned image and right positioned icon/ the content can be aligned in any direction and also the images and icons can be positioned on left, center or right of the text container.
Mauris tempus euismod tempus. Vestibulum aliquet lacinia lectus. In consectetur blandit quam, at tincidunt.
Quisque in suscipit nulla. Maecenas id pulvinar est. Sed euismod hendrerit.
Quisque in suscipit nulla. Maecenas id pulvinar est. Sed euismod hendrerit.
<div class="promo-box">
<h6 class="box-title mb-15">Box Title</h6>
<p class="box-description">Box Description</p>
</div><!-- / promo-box -->
Promo Box with Column Line Separators
Mobile-first approach, it works well on mobile.
Built with Bootstrap 5, using Vanilla JS plugins
Sass files are included for fast and easy styling.
<div class="promo-box">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xl-4 col-line tablet-xl-no-border">
<div class="p-y-40 p-x-30 promo-center">
<h6 class="box-title mb-15">Box Title</h6>
<p class="box-description">Box Description</p>
</div><!-- / promo-center -->
</div><!-- / column -->
<div class="col-xl-4 col-line tablet-xl-no-border">
<div class="p-y-40 p-x-30 promo-center">
<h6 class="box-title mb-15">Box Title</h6>
<p class="box-description">Box Description</p>
</div><!-- / promo-center -->
</div><!-- / column -->
<div class="col-xl-4 col-line">
<div class="p-y-40 p-x-30 promo-center">
<h6 class="box-title mb-15">Box Title</h6>
<p class="box-description">Box Description</p>
</div><!-- / promo-center -->
</div><!-- / column -->
</div><!-- / row -->
</div><!-- / promo-box -->